At First Step we are both in awe and full of gratitude for our counsellor Niki and Emotional Support Worker Michelle who are undertaking a courageous parachute jump in July to raise much needed funds for our charity.
Whilst some people might do a parachute jump for the love of it, we are particularly impressed that Niki and Michelle are doing this to raise money for us.
Michelle and I are literally terrified. It is our first (and probably last) ever parachute jump. If you can help even a little, it will make this ordeal more worthwhile.
– Niki
If you’d like to support Niki and Michelle please consider donating to First Step via this Go Fund Me page:
We will be checking back in with them after the jump to find out what it was like and celebrate their achievement. I’m sure you’ll join us in wishing them the very best of luck.